Media Agency Registration

Fill in the information below to register as a Media Agency on The Strat Farm. As a Media Agency, you will be able to create briefs so that Strategists can apply and upload Strategies.

Personal Information

Please Enter Name
Please Enter Email
Email Already in Use
Please enter a valid password
Password must contain at least one letter and one number
Please confirm your password
Passwords don't match
Please Enter Surname
Please Enter Valid Phone Number: 0819991111
Please enter a dialing code
Please Enter your Job Title

Business Information

Please submit an image file (svg, png, gif, jpg)
Please upload a company logo
Upload Company Logo
Supported files: .png, .jpeg, .svg <2MB
Please Enter Company Country
Please Enter Company URL
Please Enter Company Description
Please Enter Company Name
Please Enter Company Size

Cultures you are familiar with or have worked with

Please Enter Cultures
Please Define Other Cultures

Languages you are familiar with or are fluent in

Please Enter Languages
Please Define Other Languages
Please Enteryour company category
Please Define Other Categories


Please review and accept the terms and conditions
Please review and accept the privacy policy
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